Tuesday, September 8, 2009

mY unforgeTabLe huM cLass!!

After a lot of reading, quizzes, assignments, long exams, activities my humanities014 come to its end.(huhu).Many things i enjoy in this class.

First the people around me. At the first meeting i'm kinda bit nervous because i don't know who were my classmates are. Luckily there's Andro, Domeng, Jordan, Mery and Lee Mark who are my classmates from the previous terms. Then i meet a lot of great and kind people, Lara, Meg, Lea, Abie, Edward, Alex, Blanch and many more. And obviously my new twin KIMBERLY DEOCAREZA (haha) who is with me after the hum class (haha). Many memorable things happen, the way Lara read i really love it, it touches the heart haha. And the LEE MARK-LARA love team!!!!!

SECOND- the owner of this course MAM EDUARTE, (kala ko ang taray, di pla slight lang jowk lang mam) MAny things you shared to us. And a big THANKS for that. You engage us in things that we actually didn't think that we can do it. THANKS for helping us, teaching, and being a sister, mother to us.

THIRD- the activities!!!Reading a lot of short stories, which is not short??(jowk)Making a poem that really make me dumb that all i did was being rejected in a nice way(haha) and dandadanan our play haha The role play!!! I really enjoy this activity. Because it make us know each other as close as we are. I knew LARA's BIG CRUSH haha!!!cgeh crush ko na rin xia slight lang haha. .

Thank you for the memories we've shared. . The new friends i meet!!

For me, one course would be better if all the students enjoy. Which i think we are and that's because of you mam!!!

. .The Pretenders. .

Jesseca G. Paano

Mam Eduarte

Humanities 014

The Pretenders: Antonio Samson as Rizal??

Antonio Samson or "Tony" is a great man. He sacrifices his life for the sake of the people he used to love. He commits suicide!!Tony said that "I'll be a mess."(Jose 172) and his life ends there.

Antonio Samson is a smart man. He is a writer who wrote for Ilocanos.He tried to find his roots that shows his love in his native place. But Tony is not only a man who is looking for his roots, he is also a man who act in a society that he uses to hate but still he performed what he needs to act in that society that leads to his conflict which is he himself is against to the things that he is doing.

Antonio Samson is also a puppet is the novel. The Villas make him a puppet who did what the Villas would say. The Villas control Tony as Tony uses to like the materials things that the Villas would gave him."The desk was not as modern as Don Manuel's, but it was huge too. One side of the room was lined with empty, glass-covered shelves. And a low table beside the desk was the latest electric typewriter-its soft red color glowing handsomely in light"(Jose 83) That describes the working place or the room of Tony in the Villas Company. Also he did the speeches of Senator Reyes that whatever he wrote is just a lie that Senator Reyes would not do the beautiful things he wrote.

Tony didn't not consider Rizal as thee national hero.Because Rizal and the Ilustradors wants only equality not the freedom itself and beyond this equality is just the sake of them. "And that is why i do not consider Rizal a hero. He was a great in his way-but Marcelo H. del Pilar was a great man. He died a pauper in Spain. In the end, none of the illustrados could approximate the stature, the hoerism of Bonifacio."(Jose 88)

Rizal was truly a great man but Tony is correct he just want the equality that would benifits them, the illustradors. He died in great and memorable way. He was being shoot by the Spaniards which people said that he sacrifices his life for the sake of the Filipino people? If it is true that for the sake of his coutrymen.

Both Antonio Samson and Rizal are writers, The difference is Rizal wrote for the equality he wanted but Antonio Samson wrote for the sake of others(Sen. Reyes and Don Manuel Villa). They die in a sacrifical way. Some says Rizal died for us that he sacrifices his life for our sake his beloved countrymen while Tony die for the sake ofthe people he uses to love like Carmen Villa.

Both of them leave a make in our mind, they are our eye awakener that shows us what we need to do. In Rizal, his death made the people fight for their freedom that the people in that year sees what would happen next if they would not make a move for their freedom while in the novel with Antonio Samson, he is the eye awakener that awakes the Villas, senator Reye etc. that they need to change their lifestyle that their current lifestyle was not too good for the sake of many people which is involve especially the poor people.

Works Cited:
Jose, F. Sionil.(1962) The Pretenders. Solidaridad Publishing House, 531 Padre Faura, Ermita, Manila Philippines

Wednesday, July 29, 2009



You are so influencial
Caring things confidential
Diary of my being
Story that everlasting

My tanaga is all about my bestfriends who knows me inside and out and i refer them as my diary whom i can keep all the secrets a have.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

LauGhTeR by ManingninG MiclaT


Born and raised in Beijing, China during the Cultural Revolution, because her parents were based there then, Maningning Miclat became fluent in Mandarin (which she later taught at the Ateneo University), English and Filipino.

In 1987, she published her first book of poetry in Chinese, Wo De Shi (My Poems). Three years later she became a fellow of the UP Writers Workshop, where she won an award for a one-act play in Filipino.

Her poems in English made her a fellow of Silliman Writers' Workshop. And she followed up her first book of poetry with Voice from the Underworld (Anvil Publishing).

An anthology which came out in Beijing counted Maningning as one of the 39 Top-Rated Poets in Chinese.

The young writer's accomplishments in painting are just as remarkable, if not more so, considering her age then.

In 1987, 15-year-old Maningning held a first solo show of Chinese traditional paintings, the first of five such one-woman exhibits. And while still a student at the UP College of Fine Arts , she won the 1992 Art Association of the Philippines Grand Award for with her abstract work, "Trouble in Paradise ."

She later took up Masters in Fine Arts at UP and taught art at the Far Eastern University. There, on Sept. 29, 2000, the angel of death caught up with her.


He left me
when he could
no longer stand the laughter

that I gave him
while he begged me not
to keep memories

alive in poems
to hurt myself
and make those
who read

sad. I laughed
when he shared
his life with me
while holding him

to make it easier
and maybe
less painful
to live on.

Laugh! I told
him, but
could not get
his attention.

Laugh! I asked
him, but
he left in

And left
before he understood
the courage
that held my laughter.


Upon reading this poem, you can feel the emotions of the author or the speaker. It merely tell about a relationship of two people who love each other but one can't last forever. For me, the author here somehow a "pretender". She pretends who really she are. She uses the laughter to forget the pain that she feels nor suffering. She uses the man to feel less pain and make life easier. In the poem you can understand the man for what he done because i i were also the man who use to live with a certain lady who pretends that she's okay even she's not i would feel worthless. "hey!! i'm here you can talk to me Don't just laugh."

It's a nice poem it merely touches the heart of the reader. Knowing what happen to Maningning. It's sad losing someone who was a great writer.


Friday, July 17, 2009

rEactioN "servaNt giRL"

by Estrella Alfon

This story of Estrella Alfon, touches the heart of its reader. For the reason that i also experience to read and feel it in a way that i can truly understand its deeper meaning.

This is a story of a servant girl that we also and sometimes had. This story shows how to be a servant girl . Also how her mistress treat her. In this story, Rosa our servant girl in the story shows/depict the life of our common servant who sometimes suffer from violence. Rosa did all the house hold chores in the house of her mistress. She washes the clothes and clean the whole house.

Its a great story which gives a lot of moral lessons. As a person, it shows that we must understand and treat well our servants that they are not an animal to treat as is. And be human to a human. .God created us equally!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

SeCoNd poSt FiLipiNO AuthOrS

NICK JOAQUIN was bored on May 4 , 1917 (6:00am) in Paco, Manila. A poet, fictionist, essayist, biographer, playwright and considered as National Artist.
When he was in third year in secondary education at Mapa High School, he quit because for him classroom work bores him. He rather like to spend his days in reading books at his father's library. He often read those fictional stories. Definitely, he is a bookworm.
He doesn't like sports, dressing up and fish.
In 1934, he start to write essays, short stories and poems. It was published in Maila magazines. One of his essay (La Naval de Manila, 1943) was awarded by the Dominicans as AA (Associate in Arts). He also granted a 2 year scholarship award to the Albert College in Hongkong, he accepted it.
Nick Joaquin received awards and prizes:
Republic Cultural Heritage Award (1961);
Stonehill Award for the Novel (1960);
FIRST PRIZE-Philippines Free Press Short Story Contest (1949);
FIRST PRIZE-Palance Memorial Award (1957-58);
Jose Garcia Villa's honor roll (1940);
The National Artist Award (1976)
His fellow writers though that Joaquin is a Filipino with a real imagination, a great writer, has his own stylist way.
He published a lot of books. For me, he trained himself by reading books. That those books he read inspires him to write those wonderful stories for us, like him enjoy and imagine the things we can do about Literature. That some day like him we can write a wonderful story!!!

SeCoNd posT "FiLipiNo AuThoR"

FRANCISCO SIONIL JOSE was born on December 3, 1924 in Rosales, Philippines. He considered as the Philippine National Treasure. He first introduced literature in public school and later on in UST(University of Sto. Thomas). He work as one of those journalist in Manila. While working he even wrote some novels and short stories.

He also the founder of The Philippine Branch of PEN, an international organization of playwrights, poets and novelist. He also build his own publishing house in 1965 named SOLIDARIDAD which is still going on nowadays.

He wrote in english language than in his native tongue. His first novel was "THE PRETENDERS" which was published last 1962. Now his works consist of 12 novels, 7 short stories and a book of important essays. And his works ar available in 28 languages.

F.Sionil Jose was awarded as most notable being of 1980 Ramon Magsaysay Award for Journalism, Literature and Creative Communication Arts, The most Pregious award of its kind in Asia and recently 2004 Pablo Neruda Centennial award from Chile.

Also he was awarded as National Artist for Liteature which is awarded in Malacanang last June 2001.

F.Sionil Jose's "ERMITA" was one of the top-ten english-language novels which is set in Southeast Asia.

His latest novel was " VIBORA!!" published last 2008.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

LITERATURE: what it is, and why is it important?

A mirror. For me, Literature is a mirror of life!! What is literature? It is the art of written works. In this form of art, we actually write what's on our mind. We narrate our thoughts and share it to the people who can appreciate and understands what we are saying. Also a mirror of what's going on in our lives. Why it is important? Like a mirror it helps us to visualize our lives. To see those beautiful things around us and also those things need some improvements. Without literature, we can't fully understand what's the real world, the real Philippines, the real me and the real you!!!!